My love of teddy bears began, much like the rest of us bear lovers, as a little girl. I had lots of teddies, each of which I named, dressed up, cuddled and loved. A cuddle from your favourite teddy is one of the most simple joys and I still own several today and cuddle them frequently.
Based in Cockenzie House & Gardens on the beautiful coastline of East Lothian, Scotland, Thistledown Bears began in 2018 when a friend asked if I could make her some teddy ears from her dear Dad's Shirts.
Through making these and the many more that have followed since I've found my passion, one for helping people by creating something unique, special and long lasting from their special memories.
Working with a lost loved ones clothing, an outfit from a special event of a baby's tiny clothes, I create one of a kind teddy bears, lions, foxes, cushions, blankets and more. Each one can be embroidered with a name, date or a small phrase to honour your loved one.
A memory keepsake item is a visual reminder of all that we love and cherish and always on hand with a hug!
From there it seemed only right to continue to grow this passion and love and thus my collection of Traditional Collectors Artist Bears began.
These are created using the finest faux furs, traditional cotter joints and glass eyes. Each one is fitted with a Thistledown Bears leather tag and given it's own unique name which matches his or her personality as they slowly come to life in my hands.